Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Step 1 - Day 1

Day 1 -

Today I woke up with a lot of anxiety. I am not the kind of person who likes to take medicine or anything that is not in the form of food. I was paranoid that I would have a reaction to one of the minerals or I would have severe diarrhea. That sounds gross, but I heard some nasty stories. Moving off the shit subject... LOL

So, my first dose... how gross!!! I felt like I put a big straw in the swimming pool and started sipping away. Luckily it was only a 4ml dose. I felt fine, but 45 minutes later I had severe cramps. It felt like I had to shit, but I really didn't have to. It only lasted for 5 minutes and then I was fine. Also, all day I noticed that I had a slight headache. It could be due to the lack of sleep, but I am not 100% sure. I will monitor the headaches to see if it was a coincidence or not. I ate a Nutri Grain bar and a bowl of fruit before taking my first dose. I later had a Grande Starbucks coffee, some Martinelli's apple juice, and several bottles of water. No issues...

My second and third doses were taken after a meal. There were no issues to report. No cramps either. I did notice a new bump on my head. I am going to make myself breakout stressing over breaking out... how does that sound? LOL Breathe, Breathe... relax!!! I do want to mention that after my second dose my sex drive sky rocketed. I already have a high sex drive, so I pray these minerals are not going to increase what already seems to be a problem. I will leave it at that...

I have read all of the negativity in the hub ( and decided to give this a shot regardless of what others say about it being a scam. Today was my first day using Resolve and I am already anxious for the treatment to be over with. I have started dating again and think maybe I am not ready yet. I cut my ties with the other girls when I first found out about my "Toxic" disease, and lately have found myself eager to date again. The bad thing is that women throw themselves at me and I am scared I may get tempted. Last night I had diner with someone and she wanted more than a kiss. I had to stop her, which was really difficult for me. I am praying this stuff works because I am only on day 1 and the temptation is making me go insane. As I stated earlier, my sex drive sky rocketed after my second dose. This is really bad... LOL I felt like a 16 year old boy locked in a room with a bunch of sexy chics. HAHA Let's see if this continues... maybe it is just a coincidence. Pray with me... (giggling)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

lol, the way you describe things and me taking step one still I can really relate. You can checkout my blog I'm on day 13, 14 tomorrow. So any questions feel free to ask me considering I'm only two weeks ahead. Make sure you are not taking in any vitamin c 45 minutes prior or after taking the minerals. It's also recommended that you eliminate excess vitamin c.